Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Fighting through failure

Hello Everyone!

Well what a long time its been since i posted last. I've had to sit back and re think things a little with this business and how i'm going to make it work.
First of all china wanted minimum orders for large amounts of money that i don't currently have. So how do i make my product? Well i found a company who sells DIY Injection molders. The company is LNS Technologies and the machine is incredible. I'm also working with a guy who is making the molds for me. But he is having a little trouble cause of how small the pieces are.
I found a company for packaging, found an awesome artist for rebooting my website, social media and packaging.

So even though kickstarter didn't work out for me i'm still charging ahead the best way I know how. Right now that means setting up a shop in the garage space next to my house. I believe its a great idea and i believe i can make it work so i'm doing everything i can to see it through.

I also ordered a screen from Teenie Screenies to try and print on the rings, and if that doesn't work i can still make some company shirts myself. Once that gets delivered i'll let you know how it worked out.

All and all I've had to rethink how this is going to work but it will work, and once i've created a physical product its on to sales. Don't give up, when one plan doesn't work out it only makes you find better options for you and your business.

Thanks Everyone 
Justin Greenough

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Kickstarter for my kickstarter

Hello Everyone,

I created a kickstarter a month ago and let me tell you, it's not doing well. I'm looking to raise $45,000 and currently i have only raised $8,000. Let me get into the list of things I prepared and attempted to do to make this successful.

1) Prepared all social media accounts months ahead of time. I gather followers, showed images, interacted with people in the social media world. I gained around 4k followers on insagram.

2) I set up the website months in advance so that people could view the site if they were searching for such a product. I set up a home, page, about, FAQ and contact, the shop sent them to the kickstarter page.

3) I told family and friends throughout my facebook network, letting them know in advance that I would be launching a kickstarter campaign and i would appreciate their support.

Once ready to launch I also did the following.

4) Reached out to dozens of bloggers about my product and how I was ready to get it started. So were receptive, some didn't respond, and some i even paid to write a post.

5) I put together a facebook ad campaign and ran it for a few weeks.

6) I contacted all the family and friends to remind them that the campagin was live and they could purchase.

And after all that i'm still way underfunded. Leaving me to believe I need a kickstarter for my kickstarter. Something that drive people to the page so they can pledge. This was a huge lesson learned for me. As I am one person along trying to make my dream come true. I am now going to change direction and buy the injection molding equipment myself and make them in my house. I will make this a reality no matter what!

I recommend to anyone to try kickstarter if they are looking to raise money for something, just be prepared that the higher you set the bar, the more your going to have to work to get it.

Thanks Everyone 
Justin Greenough

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Start ups / kickstarter - what to do when disaster strikes

Hello Everyone,

Well i have found myself in a quite a jam the last few weeks so i wanted to spend a little time talking about what to do when something goes wrong during your start up preparation. I am currently taking the kickstarter route. I have everything set up i need and then all of the sudden ... WHAM... the videographer calls me to say that she had all my video files on a external drive that just crashed! Now of course I almost fell over hearing the news and the helplessness was overwhelming. But I picked myself back up and tried to figure out what I could do to keep moving.

First thing to do is to fix that external drive. So I contacted some computer savvy friends and they suggested to send it to a lab. The lab costs around $1,000 . which was a big disappointment but it had to be done.

Secondly i had to keep moving with everything else, instagram sending out photos and facebook talking to friends. I also found some bloggers along the way. I'm definitely using this time to build my fan base before launching on kickstarter and if the drive is completely unrecoverable then im back to making a new video. WISH ME LUCK!!

The best advice i can give is don't let the other areas of your start up drop, just cause one thing is going wrong, doesn't mean you give up on the whole thing. Find places to use the time you have and make sure its productive to your goals.

Check out my vlog

Thanks Everyone 
Justin Greenough

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Manufacturing your product. The struggle of the first time entrepreneur.

Hello Everyone,

Its been a long time since i blogged last because i have been completely immersed in the manufacturing world. Here are the difficulties in making my product from what i understand. Since my invention is not only a ring, but ring pieces the creation process is very tedious. A manufacturer views it like this - If they have to make a mold (the device that shapes the melted plastic into your product) and spend time for each piece they make, it has to be worth it for them. Meaning if they are selling me pieces at 0.11¢ each and they have to spend a lot of time on it. The amount they need to make and get paid for has to make a profit during time made.
Complicated right?
My product is super tiny so theres little to know money for them to make a small amount. They need to make a large amount, Like 60,000 per piece. And thats only for one size without packaging and printing. And yes this is a china manufacturer.
I have started looking for manufacturers in the US and they seem to have not only higher pricing but also aren't very interested in entrepreneur type deals i.e. small amount to start.

On a positive note i have found and amazing printing company who was not only friendly but got me a quote right away. I need small printing on a curved surface and they are able to do it no problem. Glad that part of it is out of the way. The company is

I'm not giving up though. Still calling everywhere i can, when i can. I'll let you know when i find the manufacturer for me, at a great price!

I'm also excited to announce that I started vlogging! Check it out here

Thanks Everyone 
Justin Greenough

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Staying motivated when starting a business

Hello Everyone,

I'd like to help inspire others who are looking to invent, produce, market an idea. I'll tell you right now, it's not going to be easy. There are a bunch of obstacles in your way, and everyone has a different set of challenges so theres no real way to give advice to any particular individual. I will tell you this much, find out what motivates you. There are a few different things that motivate me personally and i'll list them out for you.

1. The invention.
Of course the first and foremost thing in my mind that motivates me is the invention I just came up with. Its the first burst of energy that not only gets your mind excited but also immediately sets a goal and somewhat of a personal finish line. When i came up with my invention of customizable rings it sparked something inside me i can't explain.

2. Your Family.
Those you hold dear and would love to provide for and be with more are an inspiration to do something you love.The ability to free yourself from a 9 to 5 and become your own boss to make your own hours is huge to helping your family dynamic. My wife Tiffany and three daughters are my whole life and giving them everything i can is my soul purpose.

3. Friends.
You'll find that from the moment you were 10 to right now there have been people in your life that help you along the way. I had a childhood friend Reggie Taylor who inspired me to leave my home town in Canada, Nova Scotia and be more and years later have ran into a new friend John Saunders (owner of 5four digital - who keeps me motivated towards my current goal to be my own boss.

4. Entrepreneurs.
These may be someone you've seen ton tv or even someone your currently working for. In my case i work for a few entrepreneurs - Lee Sustiel and Stac Yagu who created a luxury transportation business in Miami from scratch and I helped them from the very beginning.
You can find these people everywhere and you can pick and choose who you feel motivates you the most and is most like your personality when it comes to business.

Ultimately its up to you to stay motivated but there are tons of avenues to pick from. Find out what makes you take that next step. As far ass my advice to you goes, just keep moving, if its risky, if its costly, if it takes time, just keep moving. Over time you'll find yourself on the other end of something great. It may not seem like it now but you can make something great from the smallest of ideas as long as you keep going.

Thanks Everyone 
Justin Greenough

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The fears of a Chinese Manufacturer

Hello Everyone,

I am not at the point of looking for a manufacturer. Now originally my plan was to have my idea manufactured in america. Because i have the same fear a lot of people have - having your idea stolen and made somewhere else. It seemed like a legitimate fear for a long time until i really started researching it.
My first problem is i had particularly small pieces and all the local places around only dealt with larger injection molds and were unable to figure out how to make my product possible, even with the cad cam files. Then when i called places in other states the majority of them sounded very shady, telling me they couldn't give me a price until they saw what i had, even if i gave them a slight description. It started becoming very hard to find a manufacturer.
Luckily I had a friend who could recommend a chinese manufacturer he had used and others he knew had used and haven't had any "theft" issues. He also told me " you run that risk no matter who you go with". No manufacturer no matter where they are can guarantee it won't happen, they can sign an NDA but its still possible elements out of their control my happen i.e. angry employee takes it.

And that is kinda silly, since I read to successfully fund a kickstarter campaign I have to throw it out everywhere on social media and get people interested. And if its on social media, anyone can see it. So there goes my invention secrecy anyways!

So now i'm about to find out if this is really worth it. Since my idea is a bunch of painted plastic pieces i'm imagining that it will be able to be made quite cheap. I sent off images of the ring idea i had as well as a working prototype. And with US trying to get back into the manufacturing game, China needs its clients more than ever (or so i think) .My fingers are crossed and all i can do now is wait for the result.
It is scary but its worth it to pursue your dream!

Thanks Everyone 

Justin Greenough

Thursday, December 11, 2014

You're never to busy to start your own business!

Hello Everyone,

I just want to spread a little motivation. One of the biggest challenges you will face when creating something you want to take to market will be time. I am a married man, 3 kids, house, car, 9-5 job an hour away and work part time for 2 other companies on my computer at home. I still found the time to get my idea 3d printed and social media and website set up, patent sent out and contact friends and family to help endorse my idea. Its not impossible but you just have to push yourself to do it!!

Find any space you can and wherever you can. The first and best place to find the time is at home.
Yes the wife and kids will be upset that you're coming home from work and working all over again once you get through the door but they will understand if you explain how passionate you are about your idea. Try and find reasonable hours to work on things that won't seriously interfere with your home life. Once everyone goes to bed, get working!

Try and make time during your work day, either at lunch or during a smoke or bathroom break. Take those small breaks to let people know on social media or make little alterations here and there to your site or your invention, make any calls you have during lunch hours. Send emails the night before to talk with your 3d printer or manufacturer during lunch.

The weekends are your time to shine!! You have two full days to take some time and work on what you want to, use this time to the fullest extent!

Again, you'll have to find a balance, your boss won't want you sneaking away to take time for your own endeavors and you family will want to spend time with you as well. I'm here to tell you that your dream is achievable, even if your days seem super jam packed and it will get stressful at times, you can do it!!

To see how far i am now ( a year later)  check it out here -

Thanks Everyone 
Justin Greenough