Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Fighting through failure

Hello Everyone!

Well what a long time its been since i posted last. I've had to sit back and re think things a little with this business and how i'm going to make it work.
First of all china wanted minimum orders for large amounts of money that i don't currently have. So how do i make my product? Well i found a company who sells DIY Injection molders. The company is LNS Technologies and the machine is incredible. I'm also working with a guy who is making the molds for me. But he is having a little trouble cause of how small the pieces are.
I found a company for packaging, found an awesome artist for rebooting my website, social media and packaging.

So even though kickstarter didn't work out for me i'm still charging ahead the best way I know how. Right now that means setting up a shop in the garage space next to my house. I believe its a great idea and i believe i can make it work so i'm doing everything i can to see it through.

I also ordered a screen from Teenie Screenies to try and print on the rings, and if that doesn't work i can still make some company shirts myself. Once that gets delivered i'll let you know how it worked out.

All and all I've had to rethink how this is going to work but it will work, and once i've created a physical product its on to sales. Don't give up, when one plan doesn't work out it only makes you find better options for you and your business.

Thanks Everyone 
Justin Greenough